Campy Only on the Web

Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Bulletin Board is UP!

The Campy Only Bulletin Board has been moved! The new location is:

If you were a registered user on the old Board, you'll need to re-register--but you'll find that is easier to do. The new Board will also keep the hordes of spambots at bay, thanks to the CAPTCHA system on the registration page.

All of the topics and discussion threads from the old Board have been moved, so you'll still find your favorite posts.

Thank you to our readers for your patience during this transition!


  1. sorry eric, but still not working for me

    says my username is invalid

    The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator.

    but if i try to reregister it says the name & email are in use.
