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Friday, June 19, 2009

Layoffs at Campagnolo: Company Aims to Streamline Operations

An Italian web site reported recently that Campagnolo was forced to lay off 60 workers at its Vicenza facility. The company said the layoffs were the result stiff competition for its products, particularly in the US, and were part of an overall restructuring to make Campagnolo more streamlined and efficient.

A Google translation of the original article, which includes a mention of the company's Romanian factory, is below:

Campagnolo but the restructuring bill. "Reorganize the company, 60 redundancies'

VICENZA - Streamlining internal "Campagnolo", the company bicycle race leader in the world: termination of employment for 60 employees and workers of the establishment vicentino. The announcement was made yesterday by May dismissals will take effect. "We aim for a reorganization of production 'process', the style of Toyota - the CEO says Valentino Campagnolo - despite the sector is affected by the crisis are we going to conclude this exercise in positive, with about 110 million euros in turnover and orders up 6 cents.
The corporate restructuring has been agreed with unions Fim Cisl and FIOM Cgil for redundancy and pension accompaniments. Campagnolo The group has 438 jobs in pati ¬ Vicentino - between the parent and the brand name 'Fulcrum' of Arcugnano - more than 230 workers, mostly laborers, in a third factory in Romania Bitesti. "The 82 per cent of our market strategy is ¬ Niero, especially U.S., which absorbs 14 percent of total production - says the ad - suffer from competition from competitors particularly aggressive. ¬ tend to continue to be leaders, and for that we are reorganizing: on one side with strong investment in innovation, we have allocated two million one hundred thousand euros for new trademarks and patents, the other with a rationalization of produc ¬ ne.
The fiscal year in Campagnolo opens the first in June and ends May 31 after the 2007-2008 budget was closed with 104 million euro turnover and a profit of one million and a half. "Of the 60 esu ¬ beri, 20 are accompaniments to the board, 20 will be mobile and rhyme ¬ nents in layoffs and mobility - explains Paolo Buratto, in charge of personnel - in the works remain Vicenza ¬ tions with a high added value, such as pro ¬ duction of molds and prototypes.
There used high professionalism, which accounts ¬ nueranno to stay in Italy. The fact is that the company is moving from a pi ¬ ramidale to a proces ¬ organization is more agile. Certain roles are no longer ra ¬ gion to exist, and are denied ¬ tively impact on the cost of the product. " ¬ The company has provided to a budget con ¬ fon of his own about a thousand euros for each of the employees made redundant to start a course of retraining to customize ¬, chosen by the worker.
Andrea Alba

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