Campy Only on the Web

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our Other Passion: "Wheels North"

Your host, Campyonlyguy Eric Norris, has been involved for the past two years in planning a once-in-a-lifetime fundraising ride, Wheels North. Based on the historic 1909 ride of two young men from Santa Rosa, Wheels North will travel 1,000 miles across the western states to the University of Washington in Seattle.

Wheels North starts just one month from today! We will roll out of Santa Rosa on the morning of July 4th, starting our long journey northward.

We invite all of our Campy Only friends to join us online as we ride. The WN web site and our blog are both up and running--the blog will be updated daily (and potentially more often) while we ride.

And remember, you can still donate to our benefitting charity!


  1. Hey Eric-

    Here's a tech question-- since you are such a Campy guru.

    I am installing a new Ultra-torque crankset, and am wondering about how much torque I should apply to the fixing screw. Should I take this to my local shop for them to use a torque wrench, or is there a way I can just do this myself?-- Is there a good way for me to 'feel' how much torque is applied - & necessary for the job?

    I'd appreciate your feedback on this.

    Tom Blair


  2. Tom:
    I would use the same torque that's used for crank fixing bolts on a standard bottom bracket--about 36 foot-pounds.
