Campy Only on the Web

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ten Speed Drive

John Freisen, GM and Owner of Ten Speed Drive Racing, wrote to let us know that he spent his own money to equip his Cat 1 racing team's bikes with Campagnolo. For now, they're still riding eponymous 10-speed, but that extra cog remains a dream for the future ("Eleven Speed Drive," anyone?).

Says John, "It has been an expensive adventure to put these guys on Campy parts, wheels and pedals. It has also been alot of fun."

Campy-equipped teams in the US as a little rare, so we applaud John for his devotion to the boys from Vicenza.


  1. I'm on John's team. Thanks John. Other than that I've ridden campy every year except one. So many more replaced chains, cassettes and cables that year.

  2. What can I say, I've been racing on Campy the past 2 seasons and it's flawless. Maybe in the near future mine, too, will "go to 11."
