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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tom Milton

A friend who was on the same ride as Tom offers these thoughts:

What I can offer is that yesterday was a magnificent day on the course; Diablo encircled low on her flanks by fog-shrouded valleys early in the morning, poppies and lupine in vigorous bloom lining the road down the chill north side, secretive Morgan Territory lush and cool, abundant and friendly Quack support wherever you stopped, green everywhere with swaths of purple and yellow wildflowers in full bloom carpeting the broad valleys between the Junction and the base of Hammy, all the creeks and streams swelled with flow and birds of all sorts out savoring the spring day. The temperature and overall conditions were the best I've experienced on DMD. So Tom was in his element, wearing a smile, doing what he loved on a perfect day when he died. We should all be so fortunate.

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