Campy Only on the Web

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Delta Bike

Framebuilder Adam Eldridge sent us these photos of a bike he recently built and equipped with a NOS Delta gruppo. He writes,

"I'm a frame builder in Columbus Ohio. I built this bike using a NOS Campag Delta Record group. The gentleman was given a Kestrel back in the 90's by his wife as a wedding present. The seattube binder was cracked by an overzealous shop worker shortly thereafter. He put the bike away. We crossed paths and the rest is history.

I loved building the bike! I'd love for you to post some photos for your
readers. I bet they'll get a kick out of it!

I build using traditional methods by myself. Check out my blog when you get a moment.

Adam C. Eldridge
Stanridge Speed Bicycles"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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