Campy Only on the Web

Friday, July 2, 2010

ShimaNO: 10X More Popular than Campagnolo?

Well, according to the folks at it is. They're co-sponsors of an online cycling challenge being held in conduction with the Tour de France, and they've been asking people who sign up what kind of bikes they ride.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, ShimaNO users accounted for 72% of all entrants. Campagnolo was waaaay back, with 7.5%. It may be some small consolation that Campy edged our SRAM (5%). (Small because Campagnolo has been around for more than 75 years, SRAM for just a few.)

More information here:

To sign up (and vote for Campagnolo), go to

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. That just proves that 90% of the population is in the lower third of the IQ range
