Campy Only on the Web

Monday, October 25, 2010

Todays Bike: Larry's "S. Tomi"

Larry T sent these photos and writeup about his Campy-equipped bike:
Ciao Eric,

Attached are some photos of a Campagnolo-equipped bike I recently acquired from Serafino Tomi of Viterbo, Italy. One of the photos is of Serafino himself, a student of Cino Cinelli who worked for the great man in the '70's before coming back to Viterbo to create his own frames, using Columbus tubing with Cinelli and CAMPAGNOLO parts.

This example has been built-up with recent Ergopower triple 9-speed bits.

I hope you and your viewers enjoy looking at the photos as much as I enjoy looking at and riding this bike.

Best Wishes, 

To see your bike on the Campy Only blog, email your photos and a brief description to: enorris [at] campyonly [dot] com

1 comment:

  1. I acquired one of Tomi's excellent handmade bikes but I can't read the signature on the top tube. I'm certain the last part is Serafino, but what's the first part? I can send a photo if needed, but this signature is common on all the handmade bikes of his that I've seen.
