Campy Only on the Web

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Not Campy (But Close)

Back in the Retro era, it was fairly common for bicycle manufacturers to offer their own "tweaked" versions of Campagnolo's products. One common item was a crankset modified for the builder--Colnago, for instance, would engrave their "spade" logo and name into the chainrings.

Shown below is a more unusual variation--in this case, Colnago created an entirely new, six-arm crank that was engraved with their logo and Ermesto Colnago's name. This crankset was perhaps offered as a stiffer alternative to the standard five-arm cranksets made by Campagnolo. Whatever the reason, the design didn't last, and six-arm cranks today are as scarce as ... six-fingered bike mechanics.

Thanks to reader Thomas B for sending in this photo.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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