Campy Only on the Web

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Road to Paris Brest Paris Begins!

The CampyOnlyGuy's road to PBP began yesterday with the San Francisco Randonneurs' 200K brevet, a challenging course north from the Golden Gate Bridge to Valley Ford and back (about 6000 feet of climbing). We took a few photos, and some video as well, which we're working on assembling into a short film. For now, the photo of us below, with lots more here.

By the way, check out one of the last photos to see what happens when a classic high flange Record hub finally gives up the ghost. The rear wheel on our Benotto started self-destructing with about 15 miles to go, although thke wobbly wheel that remained was enough to finish the ride on.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Eric, that's exactly what happened to my circa 1975 Record High Flange Rear Hub. Only difference, mine was on an old Paramount Tandem and my 10-year old son (he's now 30) were riding up a hill when our "torque" split two flanges like yours. Other than that, absolutely indestructable.
