Campy Only on the Web

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Reviews Are Coming In ...

.. for Paris Brest Paris: The Movie, our latest video production. Here's what viewers are saying:

"Fantastic. I started watching, sure that it would be just another boring bike video.
I was wrong. Susan & I watched, spellbound. We got a real feel for the event...
" Steve, California

"Great, great video. I am so tired after watching and empathizing that I think I will go take a nap. Thanks for the effort to put this together. It is an inspiration" Jim, Massachusetts

"Artfully done and incredibly evocative! Bravo, and thanks for sharing that for we armchair PBPers." Jim, California

"Fantastic!!!!!! I'm so tired from just watching!!!! Really brought it back. Marvelous film."
Jack, California

You can view our video of PBP here.


  1. Great job! Really reflects the whole PBP adventure, warts and all. It took me back to 99 except for the rain of course. It was interesting to see that the controls were not crowded at all.

  2. Content blocked!!!

    Can you send me the video (I can set up an FTP or something)?

  3. Info on another place to view the PBP video:
