Campy Only on the Web

Thursday, November 3, 2011

California Triple Crown: We Are At 22 Years and Counting!

22 years ago, Southern California rider Chuck Bramwell started a challenge series: the California Triple Crown. The rules were simple--complete at least three double centuries in one year and you became a Triple Crown finisher. The next year, the counting would start again.

Your humble CampyOnlyGuy took up the challenge that first year (1990), kicking off an unbroken string of CTC finishes. Blazing heat, freezing cold, pouring rain ... even illness tried to stop us, but we rode on. And 22 years later, we're still going strong. No other rider has completed every single CTC season.

The CTC season will begin for us again in February with the Camino Real Double Century. Come back to this blog for photos and reports.

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