Campy Only on the Web

Monday, November 14, 2011

Campy-Equipped Machines from the 7-Eleven Days

Campagnolo and 7-Eeven ruled the roost when the bikes were first built. Both are still around, of course, although it's been a while since we've seen such nice bikes with the Murray name on them.

Campy Only contributor Mike McGary spotted these at a bike shop in Green Bay, IL. He writes,

"Here’s something you don’t see every day. A couple of historic bikes I came across at Green Bay Cycles in Winnetka, IL. Larry had these in the basement of his shop. Not one but two 7-11 Team “Murrays” ( built by Serotta I believe). The inner bike was Davis Phinney’s team ride and the outer bike was made for the 84’ LA Olympic Road Race, for an unknown team member. Of course fully decked out with Super Record ."

More photos after the jump ...


  1. Gorgeous! Reminds Larry of the time a local junior came into the shop in SoCal with a beat-up, powder-coated frame and fork. We soon realized this was one of those 7-Eleven Murray bikes and talked the kid into selling it rather than building it up with cheapo parts. Off it went back to Serotta for stripping and repainting in the original livery. The shop owner lovingly reassembled it with period-correct Campagnolo bits. Larry wishes he knew where that bike is today.

  2. Trying to figure out what rims they used on these builds! If you know will you tell me? Thanks!

  3. There's a good chance they're here:

    Check out the "Rims" section of the catalog.
