Campy Only on the Web

Monday, November 7, 2011

Electronic Gruppos(!) Are Here--Is the World Ready?

Well, it's November 7, the day on which Campagnolo was scheduled to officially unveil their electronic gruppo. And that they have done, but in a Steve Jobs-like moment, they basically said, "But wait, there's one more thing ..." That one more thing was a second electronic gruppo--yes, there will be Super Record EPS and Record EPS versions, which Campagnolo says are slightly lighter than ShimaNO's electronic ensembles.

VeloNews reports on the official launch here.

Click below for excerts from the VeloNews online story:

From the VeloNews article:

Pricing: "The company will be shipping groups for sale next month, so the price information will have to become public soon!"

Weight: "Campagnolo claims that its two groups are now the two lightest electronic groups on the market, with Super Record EPS weighing in at under 2,100 grams, and Record EPS coming in at around 2,200 grams."

Sweeping Shifits: "Another surprise is that that with a single push, you can shift through all 11 gears up or down; the system reacts to how long you hold a button down. Holding it down for 1.5 seconds goes through all 11 gears, while you can shift, say, three gears in a go by holding it down less than half a second."

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