Campy Only on the Web

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Riding EPS Electronic: Nice, and It Works Manually, Too

England's online magazine published a story describing their first road test of the new EPS system, and their review is generally positive. They report good shifting, including a nifty feature that aligns the front derailleur when you shift gears on the cassette. Cons include high cost and a slight weight penalty.

They didn't mention the fact that electronic shifting relies on batteries, which run down. However, the article notes,

"... if the worst happens and you do manage to break it out on the road, you can manually put it into the gear you want and it’ll stay put."

Manual shifting. What a concept. And of course, if your dead battery forces you into manual mode, you'll need to stop and get off the bike every time you want to shift (back to the 1920s) or stay in the same gear (back to the 19th Century).

Still, Campy Only stands by our long-held belief that Campagnolo will sell every single EPS gruppo they make, regardless of cost or drawbacks. Let us know in the Comments whether you plan to buy it.


  1. on a mechanical system its possible that you could break a derailleur cable and you would be stuck in high gear only ...on the Campagnolo EPS system its highly doubtful that you would run out of battery while out on a ride, probably way more chance of needing the emergency "ride home" mode if you crash and damage the cambio or connection wire. At that point you can actually choose a specific gear to use. A thoughtful engineering addition to the system.

    Am I gonna get it? bet!
