Campy Only on the Web

Friday, February 3, 2012

We Are Right ... Again

 From reader David M comes this note:

Hello Eric, 

'Campy Only' gets it right again ! You predicted Campagnolo would sell every EPS group set they could produce we hear today that i-ride in the UK has already pre-sold their entire first shipment…. Retail price for Record EPS approx £ 2800.00 and for Super Record EPS £ 3800.00…Ouch !

kind regards,

David M

We have indeed predicted for years that Campagnolo's electronic gruppo would sell like electronic hoecakes no matter how much it costs.  (And by the way, £3,800 is about $6,000US!)

I you see an EPS-equipped bike on the road, no matter where, let us know! Email enorris [at] Campyonly [dot] com

1 comment:

  1. Its an awesome campy grouppo and after almost 20 years in research + development its here!
    Its not about $. Its about "campy" moving to a whole new level.
    Try it you might like it.
