Knog "N.E.R.D." Bike Computer--You probably know Knog for their strap-on mini-lights. The NERD is a new product. We bought one of these for our Richard Sachs for a few reasons: it's red, like the bike; it has BIG numbers in the speed display; and it's super-easy to install. The NERD is a wireless computer, with the sending unit and display wrapped in one-piece silicon housings that wrap around the fork/bars to hold the parts on. Kinda cool-looking (if a little big). In a brief test ride, the unit worked great. The speed display is cool and unique--the numbers scroll up or down as your speed changes, which is fun to watch. Our one concern (before yesterday) was that the unit is so easy to put on and off that it might be prone to being stolen. We would learn the other downside to the easy-on/off feature ...
Our big road test started yesterday morning on the Mt Tam Double Century ... and ended shortly after the ride started. On a bumpy downhill, the sending unit got shaken enough to eject from the fork and go bouncing into the underbrush. We searched in vain, and ended up doing the DC without a computer (a new experience for us).
We've contacted the online retailer who sold us the NERD--we'll let you know if we get it back on the bike and post updated test results.
More info at www.knog.com.au
Any luck? I'm considering getting one of these for my Campy-equipped road & TT bikes.